Thursday, October 10, 2013

Falling down on the writing

Yes it appears that the Fall has come and the writing has slowed down.  That does not necessarily mean that Iris and I have stopped doing things it just means that I have been less then stellar at staying on top of this blog world.  So for any of you out there that may follow this (there are a few according to the reports) I hope to get better at updating things here.

As always here is the info on the fundraising page for VetDogs Attention: I have a Personal Fundraising Page for VetDogs Now! Please follow this link and make a donation to help another veteran like me get a service dog like mine.

I guess the main issues we have been tackling over the past couple weeks have been personal in nature.  My daughter had her first major accident 2 weeks ago and that really did not go over well in my world. She is 19 but she will always be my baby and well when you become the filler of the sandwich in the accident it is just not fun times for anyone.  Needless to say the first week we dealt with the medical and insurance issues trying to get as much done as we could while she was on a weeks break from New England Tech.  Yes we are blessed that the accident happened on the last day of her 1st semester there and she was able to finish the exam she missed and still keep a 4.0 GPA.  Proud dad Yeppers!

So, bottom line is that other then some bumps and bruises at this point Mel is feeling much better still a bit nervous behind the wheel but driving and back in school.  Last night we finally found a car that she loves and can afford so she put a downpayment on it and hopes to have it on the road by tomorrow or Saturday at the latest.

Now the travels of Iris and I.  We have been busy with some side effects from my new meds that as of today's trip to Boston will have me back in the hospital for some exploratory work to be done.  The new meds are still working better then we could have ever wished for after having fought with other meds for so long.  According to the information downloaded today from my onboard computer stuff, I have not had a recorded event in over 3 months.  That is great news believe you me.....

Iris and I have been out and about a bit but our travels have all been short and sweet trips with no more than one overnight.  My camera has filed a lawsuit against me for negligence but I promise with the leaves changing I hope to get that changed ASAP.

As always here is the info on the fundraising page for VetDogs Attention: I have a Personal Fundraising Page for VetDogs Now! Please follow this link and make a donation to help another veteran like me get a service dog like mine.

One project that I feel the need to mention is the Grillie project.  The CEO has been so great at trying to find ways to help out my cause of record VetDogs and wants to work with others out there too.  I have spent some time brainstorming with him on some great ways to help get the word out there prior to all the mess happing around the home front.  I hope to have more info for anyone interested in this great product and a chance to either help out their own cause or a great cause like VetDogs.  Let me know I will pass on the info to you.

Upcoming events:

Sunday - There is an event to support Veterans here in CT that I will be going to in New Britain.  You can email me or check out my Facebook for more info on this one.


On the 24th Iris & I will be in NYC at the Intrepid speaking to students about service dogs and veterans.  This is a VetDogs event and should be a great way to let young people know more about how service dogs help out in so many different ways.

November is a busy month with Veterans Day and at this point I know of a couple events that I will be at one of which is a repeat from last year.  It was a great event last year interacting with the inmates in Framingham that help work with the some of the dogs that become service dogs for VetDogs.  To see how these animals not only change the lives of the inmates and atmosphere but also see how the inmates get a new feel for our nations veterans is beyond words.  

As always here is the info on the fundraising page for VetDogs Attention: I have a Personal Fundraising Page for VetDogs Now! Please follow this link and make a donation to help another veteran like me get a service dog like mine.

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