Thursday, March 15, 2012


What a device it is. Iris is very happy with her spring coat being thinner now that I broke out the furminator. Of course I am not writing about the furminator tonight but I love the sound of it. As a child I remember cool names and well this qualifies in my book.

Today was an interesting day. The day started off at coffee with the guys and ended in a long conversation with a close friend. Nice to be blessed with so many people in my life that have taken the opportunity to allow me to see them in different light.

The need to take life one moment at a time has many great results. Today I got into a discussion about meditation which is a subject I have always seemed to skirt around the edges of. Never really getting into the deep meanings of things just sort of going with the flow. Over time the need to take time everyday and allowing for nothing to distract would be my main method of "Meditation". You know that time where (taking from my time with Iris and her shedding due to the furminator) everything outside goes to the side and we allow quiet breathing to cleanse.

My life has been a fast paced tornado affecting many other lives over the years, now due to my medical issues have been reduced to a gentler wind. The much quieter winds of today still have affects on others in some ways even more than that tornado. Learning how to accept things as they are is one of those lessons that I still struggle with and I am ever grateful when I get a glimpse of the positive gifts that come when I least expect.


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